miércoles, febrero 27, 2008

Te siento aquí, aunque no te conozco no te he viste, ni siquiera en sueños!, te siento aquí, te canto esta cancion por el futuro posible o por el que nunca va a ocurrir, te tapo esta noche de verano que extrañamente hace frío, te cuido y te hago cariño y te digo que todo va estar bien que yo te cuido tus sueños, te canto por que si, te siento tan cerca y hasta puede que no te vea en esta vida!, (risa, media sonrisa, ojos con un poco de tristeza) no necesito decirte que te quiero porque eso lo sabes y lo as sabido siempre, solo te canto te medio sonrió y te miro.
en serio vas a estar con los brazos abiertos para cuando caiga? en serio me vas a besar entre la embriaguez y el amor? es verdad que voy a poder mirar las estrellas sin miedo que te escondas? yo sigo aquí?

la cancion.... (cantada por Madeleine Peyroux)

Drink up, baby, stay up all night
The things you could do, you won't but you might
The potential you'll be that you'll never see
The promises you'll only make
Drink up with me now and forget all about
The pressure of days, do what
I say And I'll make you okay and drive them away
The images stuck in your head

People you've been before that you don't want around anymore
That push and shove and won't bend to your will
I'll keep them still
Drink up, baby, look at the stars
I'll kiss you again between the bars
Where I'm seeing you there with your hands in the air
Waiting to finally be caught
Drink up one more time and
I'll make you mine
Keep you apart, deep in my heart
Separate from the rest, where I like you the best
And keep the things you forgot

The people you've been before that you don't want around anymore
That push and shove and won't bend to your willI'll keep them still

aberrado por "Moumon" como a las 2:37 a. m.

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